Monday, October 20, 2008

I have been seriously slacking.

You know how things are busy, but not that busy? That's how things have been here. Maybe lazy would be a better word for it. It's starting to get cold, and convincing myself to get out and take pictures isn't going so well. So I take pictures inside, or through the window lol. Then I feel guilty because I have more pictures of Danny then Jake, but Jake is mostly at school.

The hockey picture taking dilema is ongoing. The flash isn't going to work, but that is okay since I have other uses for it. I just am having a hard time spending the amount of money that the right lens is going to cost. We will see what happens there.

Everyone here is good. Danny is right behind me, undoing the cleaning that I did this morning. This kid can make a mess in record time. Jake is doing well at school, save for a tantrum about the rainbow game ending too soon. I wrangled up tickets for his favorite hockey team, so that should be a good time.

Boston Love

Here is yet another shot of Danny screaming. He's good at screaming.


The alternative to a picture of him screaming is a picture of him pouting or running away. I'll take the screaming. Hopefully next post it'll be a bit more exciting.

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