Friday, November 7, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

Wow, that was fun. Too much drinking, and not the most relaxing place for a vacation, but I had a blast. We spent a ton of time at the APEX/SEMA show so I didn't get to take a lot of pictures, and most of the ones I did take turned out like crap. I didn't want to hold up everybody by taking pictures every 30 seconds. Oh well, it gives me a reason to go back. Not to mention the cool $65 I won on the black jack table. You know, cuz I'm a high roller like that.

Anyhoo, here's some visuals...


This is where we stayed, all those flashing lights at the end of the hallway make up the casino where I had my big win. This picture comes no where near to how beautiful and intricate everything is. I can't even fathom the amount of money they put into everything in Vegas. It's crazy.

Miss Liberty

Congrats on your new President my American friends!!


This is one of the few pictures I got while "working".

Smiling Stingray

Say cheese Mr. Stingray!!!

Treasure Island

The infamous Vegas strip.

Freaky Blue Man

AAAAAAAAH! Blue Man!! What is that, latex? Doesn't it get awful warm under that?

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