Sunday, October 5, 2008


Man, is it tough getting back into the swing of things. Between Jake's school, Danny's school, work, and hockey practice, I've been a lazy blogger.

I have been taking pictures, of course. We went a nature walkin' again, and saw the usual suspects. I need to find a new place to go, I think.

Fall Doe

Danny was convinced this chickadee was going to steal his granola bar.

Autumn Chickadee

Danny being his goofy self.

While I going through the night time routine with Danny, I realized two things that for some reason, have the capacity to bring tears to my eyes. I suppose I've always been a little on the emotional/sensitive side, but having kids has made me ridiculous.

Tear inducing item number one, sweet, sweet baby curls. I know these are on borrowed time. I suppose that is the reason, right there.

And these sweet raisiney hands. *Sniff* *Sniff*


1 comment:

Mama Luvins said...

I LOVE that last picture especially!!