Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am not above bribing.

Trying to take pictures of Jake at hockey practice was an exercise in futility. The equipment I have will not operate under the low light conditions at the arena. I decided I needed to upgrade, so I took Danny to the Camera Store to see what I could do.

And the answer was, not much unless I have a ton of money to spend. Which I don't. So I settled for a speedlight, and I am hoping that it will do the trick. We'll have to wait until Sunday to be certain.

Of course, I had to test it out. Let's just say that Danny was less than cooperative at first.

Pre Bribe

I'm not sure why, maybe it's the thousands of pictures he's had taken of him in his two year old life. So I did what any self respecting mother would do.

I offered him chocolate.


Chocolate is a great motivater.


Especially in the two year old demographic.

Post Bribe

Is it just me, or does the colour seem a little off in the last two? I may change them up later.

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