Friday, May 23, 2008


A good friend of mine suggested that I become a member of . I had thought of this before, but was under the assumption that it was for professional photographers only. Once I read a little more about it, thanks to Meredith, I found that wasn't the case. So I applied.

First of all, just applying was kind of a big step for me. I have a problem with failure, I'll admit it. It is one of the things that I like very least about myself. There are a lot of opportunities in my life that I have allowed to go by because I can't stand the thought of giving something my all and then not succeeding. Anyway. I applied, but was pretty nervous about it. I really care about photography, and to get shut down would sting.

I put the application through on Wednesday, after doing some serious agonizing over the pictures I wanted to submit. After over analyzing, I thought fug it, and sent one I really liked, and a couple of others that were popular on a non paying stock photo site. I got the email back this morning, and two of the photos were rejected, and one was approved. Can you guess which was approved? Lol, that's right, the one I liked. But I didn't dig through my hard drive to find originals of the others, and the note with the rejected photos said that the picture quality had suffered. I am guessing that submitting versions of the pictures that had been re saved was part of the problem.

I am thrilled that they approved one of the pictures, but now I am back to agonizing over which two to resubmit. The key with stock photography is to submit pictures that people will want to use in their online and print publications. I am thinking about this one:

Purple Water Lily
but they did say no flower pictures. I did a search for water lily on their site, and there isn't that many to choose from. But still, they say no flowers, so I should probably stick with that.

I don't know, maybe the pollution picture? I think I'd have to tweak it a bit, but it seems like there is a good market for it. *Sigh* If anyone has any suggestions for me I would love to hear them.

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