I do plan on getting out one or twice this week though, I know the baby ducklings are on the cusp of hatching, so I've got to get some pictures of that. No signs of hatching yet, although I've been on the outskirts of the city. It may be different inside the city parks.
My attempt at taking pictures of the grandson pretty much sucked. He wasn't all that thrilled in the first place, and spent 90% of his time in his grandma's or mommy's arms, and the other 10% furiously crawling away. I've got a few to work with, literally 8 or 9 out of hundreds. I have already spent way longer on that then I'd care to admit, and I still don't have anything that I am even remotely happy with. My husband says I'm my own worse critic but I think anyone would criticize these. I don't know, I just like shooting animals and landscapes so much more than kids, unless they are my own. It's just that the market for nature shots is a little over saturated.
*Sigh* What can you do? Practice, practice, practice I suppose. Anyhow, some pictures from yesterday morning:
A meadow lark:
A muskrat swimming (I didn't realize what cute little faces these guys have):
The bringers of spring:
A crow trying to kick a hawk's ass for getting to close to his nest:
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