I couldn't resist the puppy fever any longer. So last Saturday, we went and picked up our baby girl.

I know that puppies are a ton of work. I literally spent two months reading every morsel of information on puppies I could find. I learned about almost every breed of dog, trying to find the right one for our family. We aren't really little dog people, so I had my heart set on a boxer when I first started dreaming of puppies. After riding the research train, I realized that two hours of exercise a day was more than I could give. So we nixed the boxer, and finally settled on a much smaller breed, (but not too too small) the boston terrier.
Of course, she's pretty small right now. When we brought her home she weighed about 5 pounds, or just less than half of what our cat weighs.

Speaking of the cat, that whole situation has gone a lot better than I thought it would. My cat is an asshole. To the point where if we have people over that the cat doesn't know, we have to put him behind closed doors. There is no doubt in my mind that he would attack someone that he didn't know, if they were foolish enough not to heed his hissing and growling warnings and try to pet him. So understandably I was a little worried about bringing our puppy home. There has been several barks, a few chases, and one hiss in a week and a half. I'd call that a success.
The house training has been going pretty well. I'd say we are averaging just under one accident a day, but she is figuring this out too. She's a kennel sleeper, and does really well in there. She sleeps all night long, whining for maybe 30 seconds before she settles in, and then whining for maybe 30 seconds once during the night.

She loves to play fetch. She leaps from the hardwood on to the tile as if there is a canyon between them. Her little ears flop as she runs, and it is so cute. She has been trying to fetch little people, so we've had to make sure that they are safely tucked into their drawers.

Really, I think that we lucked out. She is a pretty darn good puppy, as far as puppies go. Here's hoping she just gets better and better.